The New King of Team Work
Team Work Makes The Dream Work!!
Lets talk about team work in sports
Tranditionally sports like football get all the attention for being the "best" team sport ... However in reality it's not.
It may seem harsh to say this due to the fact that everyone thinks it's such a good team sport, but how many times have you seen team mates arguing with each other or one person hogging the ball thinking they can take everyone on to try and gain that one moment of glory to miss the goal, when instead they could have just passed the ball to score.
How many football players spend their careers mostly sat on the bench, some get paid a ridiculous amount of money to be sat there hoping and praying they get picked to play.
Time to crown the NEW KING of TEAM WORK!! - Martial Arts!!
Yes, thats right! Here in the Martial Arts studio no one gets left out, no one sits on the bench, plus everyone has to work together to achieve a common goal ... Black Belt.
You see in any form of Martial Arts you need a partner to train with, weather that be someone holding the pads for us to punch and kick and then us hold the pads for them or learning a self defence technique where one of you pretends to be an attacker so the other can learn to defend them selves.
Then there is sparring. Martial Arts, including (Boxing & Wrestling) is probably the only place you can go and have a "fight" with a friend or partner and still be friends afterwards.
This is done by the instructor having control over the entire class, making sure that everybody respects everyone else.
Not only do you have fun and camaraderie, you are also learning control of your body and control over your emotions and attitude, as well as getting fit at the same time.
So put your kids in to Martial Arts
Get yourself in to Martial Arts
You are never to old and never to unfit to give it a try ... You'll love it.