The Best Martial Arts Studio in Rotherham, UK
When we first started teaching Martial Arts, we did it for the love of the sport, and to give back what we had gained from it.
Over the years it slowly became a full-blown business, however we never lost sight of why we started it in the first place, and we never will.
We don’t teach for awards or trophies and medals like we would compete for in competition. However, it is nice when you get recognised for all the hard work and dedication that it takes to not just run a Martial Arts Business but to keep training yourself in Martial Arts so you can constantly bring new ideas to the school. One of our philosophies is, ‘If you have never done it, then you can’t/shouldn’t teach it’.
Over the years our Instructors go through not just the physical training of the Arts but also the training it requires to become and continue to develop how to be an instructor, from how to teach the techniques, to how to conduct yourself in a professional manner, there is also the elements of how to tackle a distressed student, or a new child student that is here for their very first time and is shy and unconfident, we teach our Instructors how to get down to the child’s level and to understand that not everyone is confident enough to just “get on with it".
There are many levels of training that our instructors go through, and we strive to keep the customer experience to the best it can be.
The main areas of Martial Arts that we teach are punching, Kicking, Blocking and other self-defence techniques…. HOWEVER!!.... the real areas that we teach or rather develop are:
FUN….and many others
We have 3 main rules for every student.
- Have fun.
- Try your best.
- Try and get better every time you do something.
So, with that being said, why don’t you come and try rule number one….and by the way you’ll also get fitter physically and mentally.
Click on the contact us page fill in your details and we’ll contact you or feel free to call us on 07957877606.