Stress Relief & Martial Arts
All exercise can help reduce stress relief, but one of the best things about any Martial Arts is that you get to not just release the stress from exercise, but you get to punch and kick things too, which is a massive way to get out that built up tension, anxiety, and anger from the day/weeks stress that we can all go through.
Not only that but you get to do all that with likeminded people, and like any team sport it’s always great to meet new people and if the instructor is a good one you’ll also have fun doing it.
You exercise which uses your energy and tears your muscle fibres…..sounds bad right….but here is the thing, once your body starts to adjust to this new regime your body starts to get stronger by repairing your muscles but repairing them stronger which allows us to carry more blood in our muscles, and as you know blood carries oxygen, which gives us life and energy. Now before any of you start saying “but I don’t want big ugly muscles” …don’t worry Martial arts doesn’t build muscles like a body builder would, our exercise make you tone your muscles and burn calories because we are only using our own body weight to do our techniques and one of the advantages of Martial Arts is that it uses all the major and minor muscle groups as well as giving you a good stretching session.
So as you can see its awesome for that stress relief, so why not give us a try, we’ll even give you a cheeky lesson for free for just reading this.
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Or take the plunge and give us a call on 07957877606
So why does exercise help reduce stress, well when we exercise our bodies produces awesome chemicals into our blood stream one of them being endorphins, which give you that feel good feeling.
As an extra bonus over time our bodies start to get more energy allowing you to be much happier through out the day, here is a quick breakdown of how the body creates more energy.