Strength & Flexibility
It's no seceret that Martial Arts has always been one of the best ways to keep you in shape, you only have to look at the Martial Arts film stars such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet-Lei the awesome Chuck Norris and the split master himself Jean Claud Van Dam to see how Martial Arts can shape your body.
Any form of Martial Arts uses all the major and minor muscle groups through the puching, kicking and blocking drills, not only that but any reputable Martial Arts school should have a good physical conditioning programme and some top class stretching routines.
Strength: As mentioned Martial Arts uses the major and minor muscle groups making you stronger more toned and cardio vascular fitter, everybody from young to old should try their best to keep in shape and mobile. Alot of times people, especially adults dont want the tediousness of a gym, it gets boring trying to motivate yourself to do something once you are there, but with a good Martial Arts class, everything is structured and everything is taught, allowing you to get the best from your training in a fun atmosphere and on top of that you get to meet new people make new friends and share in the journy to Black Belt.
Flexibility: Over the years Martial Arts has gone from punching and kicking to a whole body workout at the same time as learning awesome Martial Arts Skills and life saving self-defense systems. but one of the key features for health and fitness is the stretching. Streching is by far one of the most important things anyone can give their body, not only does it strengthen muscles and ligaments, but it makes you more flexible which allows you to be more mobile and have a much greater range of motion in your joints and as you get older it allows you to creak less.
All of the above makes living your life a little more easy, you get rid of that daily stress through the Martial Arts drills, become more flexible and mobile from streching and get toned/stronger from everything we do. it also allows you to have less injuries like strains and pulls, and makes you enjoy the little things in life more, like being able to run around with your children and not having to sigh as much when your little ones want to be picked up for the 100th time that day lol.
All in all Martial Arts is a great all round exersice routine for both Children and Adults.
So why not give us a call on 07957877606 or visit our childrens page: Childrens Martial Arts Rotherham or our adults page: Adults Martial Arts Rotherham
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